Is Your Computer Hacked? Check How To Recover From A Hack Is Your Computer Hacked? Check How To Recover From A Hack
News    04/03/2019

Is Your Computer Hacked? Check How To Recover From A Hack

Is your computer hacked? But, how to know if your computer has been hacked? Here is the best guide on how to recover from a hack and how to secure your computer

Hacked? Here’s What You Should Do

Technology has evolved over the past few years and reached a level that was unexpected. Now that every development has both pros and cons, technology too came for a price. The graph of hacking never seen a fall over the previous years and keep rising despite all the efforts put towards the security. This report reveals the fact that there are heavy chances of you being hacked by a cyber-criminal.

Although, there are various reasons for you to fall prey to the cyber-criminals. However, if you take the proper course of action, you may minimize the damage that it may cause. Here’s a quick guide that helps you know what you should do after finding out that you’ve been hacked.


How do I know if my computer has been hacked?

Before you retaliate to any unfamiliar activity, it is important to know whether your computer is hacked or not. You may follow the below methods to discover if your machine is compromised or not:

  1. Unusual activity:

A hacked computer would not work as it used to. You must pay close attention to the activities your machine is performing. If you find any unusual tasks or activity being performed without you doing it, there’re thick chances that your computer’s security has been compromised. However, the unusual activity doesn’t prove a hack as it may also be triggered by some less-harmful malware. But, it is always better to get ready for the worst and start taking steps.

  • For Windows user:

  • Click on Start

  • Type “view network computers and devices” and click on the same option when it comes up.

  • Now, take a look for any unusual items (note that the "ROUTER" item is your Wi-Fi router).

  • For Mac machines:

  • Go to Finder

  • Select Go

  • Now, click on Network

  • Check if there are any unusual items available.

  1. Check your Wi-Fi network:

Your Wi-Fi is one of the easiest ways for an intruder to take a sneak peek on your machine. In the lack of a strong password, you may end up losing authority on your Wi-Fi. To check any unknown connection over your network, you may follow the below steps:

  1. Emails sent from your ID:

Your email ids are prone to get hacked. Especially, when you log in to insecure websites using the same id and the password as of your email. If you doubt that your email id is hacked, login to the email address and check the ‘Sent’ folder. If you find any email sent without your permission, change your password immediately. In case, you’re not able to login to your hacked email, let the email service provider know and help you.

malware crusher

  1. Security disarmed: 

When your computer is equipped with security tools, it is very hard for any hacker or malware to make changes. This is whey they prefer to shut down any security service running on your machine. If you doubt a hack on your computer, check whether your antivirus is turned on or not. If it is turned off without your knowledge, there’s a possibility of a hack.

  1. New tools installed: 

Hackers and malware aim to damage a lot of resources that can reveal your personal information. To do so, they may install a number of tools to penetrate your system security. If you find any new tool that you don’t acknowledge, it is time you uninstall the tool and run a thorough scan to find anything malicious.

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How to recover from a hack?

When you’re done taking care of the issue, it is time to restore your computer and recover from a hack. You may consider below points to claim your machine and accounts:

  • Scan and update: 

When a hack is done, it leaves a lot of loopholes that may lead to another hack in the near future. It is important that you scan the system and find out anything that doesn’t belong to you. Also, check if there are any updates available from the manufacturer that may work as a patch to previous reasons that may have caused the hack.

  • Reclaim Your Account: 

If your email, social media and banking related accounts were compromised, it is time to reclaim them. One of the easiest ways to regain access over the lost accounts is to contact the service providers directly and request them to help you change the password and review the security norms. You can contact to Gmail, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other related accounts help forum to reclaim your access.

  • Review Tools:

Sometimes, hackers would leave a few loopholes on your computer as their backdoor so that they can re-attach. To avoid any further attack, it is important that you review all the programs installed on your computer and uninstall the ones that you do not acknowledge. This way, you would not only lessen the chances of another attack but also render some extra space for your computer to work faster.

How to secure my computer?

Once you’ve got everything in your custody, you may think that if your computer is safe from hackers or not. If you wish to strengthen the security on your computer, you must ensure that you’ve got all the necessary tools installed on your computer.

One of the most important tasks to do after a hack is to install ITL Total Security antivirus on your computer. The tool not only takes care of the viruses on your machine but also works effectively against any possible threats. It is important to know that most of the hacks begin with some malware on your computer. Once you’re ready with ITL Total Security, you lessen your chances of getting hacked.

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  • Restore Point: 

It is important that you create a ‘Restore Point’ if you are using a Windows computer. The Restore Point helps you restore every setting that you may have had saved some time back. This way, if the hacker would have manipulated some settings on your machine, you would be able to restore all of them, leaving no chance for hackers to re-attack.

  • Password manager: 

It is important that you protect your computer and online accounts with a strong password. Weak passwords are easy to guess and break, which may lead to a hack. If you wish to safeguard your credentials, you may take the help of a dedicated password manager, which can not only help you save your passwords into a vault but also generate unbeatable passwords.

malware crusher

  • Two-step verification: 

Two-step verification is a great way to avoid a hack. Nowadays, you would find all the major social media and banks offering two-step verification that requires your password as well as a one time password sent to your registered mobile number or email address to log in. This way, if a hacker happens to break your password, he/she would not be able to access your account without the one time password.

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Overall, it is important that you keep your computer and other confidential information secured and always have an antivirus running on the machine. An antivirus tool would not only help protect your computer against viruses but also prevents any ransomware, spyware, and malware that may further result in system hack or a ransom demand. If you wish to share some important tips and tricks to avoid getting hacked, do leave a comment below.

Tips to Prevent virus and malware from Infecting Your System:
  1. Enable your popup blocker: Pop-ups and ads on the websites are the most adoptable tactic used by cybercriminals or developers with the core intention to spread malicious programs.
    So, avoid clicking uncertain sites, software offers, pop-ups etc. and Install a powerful ad- blocker for ChromeMozilla, and IE
  2. Keep your Windows Updated: To avoid such infections, we recommend that you should always keep your system updated through automatic windows update.By doing this you can keep your device free from virus.According to the survey, outdated/older versions of Windows operating system are an easy target.
  3. Third-party installation: Try to avoid freeware download websites as they usually install bundled of software with any installer or stub file.
  4. Regular Backup: Regular and periodical backup helps you to keep your data safe in case the system is infected by any kind of virus or any other infection.Thus always backup important files regularly on a cloud drive or an external hard drive.
  5. Always have an Anti-Virus: Precaution is better than cure. We recommend that you install an antivirus like ITL Total Security or a good Malware Removal Tool like Download Virus RemovalTool



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